• Minggu, Juli 24, 2011
  • Administrator
Sitemap is a way to tell search engines about pages on your site that they might not otherwise discover. Google provides a way to submit sitemaps through Google Webmaster Tools.

So, how can you submit sitemaps for a blogger hosted blog without any warnings or errors?
Suppose you have a site called ocimseo.blogspot.com.

The sitemap for this site would be:


to your blog URL in Google Webmaster Tools > Sitemaps > Add Sitemap.

Food for the thinking mind: If you don’t include redirect=false, webmaster tools will throw warning. If you don’t include start-index=1&max-results=100, the maximum number of URLs submitted will be shown as 26, always.

How to submit blogger sitemap through Google Webmaster ToolsRemember if you have more than 100 pages on your blogspot site, you would need to include two sitemaps one having an index starting with 1 and ending with 100(start-index=1&max-results=100) and the other having an index starting with 100 and ending with 200(start-index=100&max-results=100)

Thanks for reading How to submit blogger sitemap through Google Webmaster Tools.



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