• Jumat, September 23, 2011
  • Administrator
Mobil Avanza Terbaru - Belum ada jadwal pasti Toyota All-New Avanza (juga diikuti oleh Daihatsu Xenia) diluncurkan. Informasi selentingan dari internal Toyota Astra Motor (TAM), diperkirakan tahun ini. Bahkan diperkirakan dua bulan ke depan (November).

Joko Trisnyoto, Direktur Pemasaran TAM, ketika ditanyakan tentang perkiraan peluncuran Avanza Generasi ke-2 tersebut hanya menjawab, “Tergantung pada Daihatsu!”

Lantas tentang harga, menurut Joko naik. “Pasalnya All-New. Semuanya serba baru. Total change!” jelasnya. Namun Joko belum mau memperkirakan kenaikkan harga tersebut.

Harga All-New Avanza 2012 Mobil Indonesia
Saat ini harga Avanza paling murah Rp136,1 juta. Varian yang paling laris manis adalah tipe G bermesin 1.3 liter, dijual Rp151,550 juta. Berarti kemungkinan harga All-New Avanza untuk varian paling laris diperkirakan mendekati Rp160 juta. Avanza pun naik kelas. Sedangkan yang paling mahal adalah Avanza 1.5S transmisi otomatik Rp174,225 juta. Nah, kalau varian ini harganya naik, akan mendekati Kijang Innova bisnis bensin, Rp182 juta.

Joko Trisanyoto hanya menambahkan, harga model baru naik, dipastikan generasi sebelumnya juga akan naik. “Biasanya sih begitu!” ujar Joko yang sudah berbakti di TAM hampir 40 tahun.

India, Thailand & Malaysia
Sampai hari ini Toyota dan Daihatsu berhasil menyimpan rapi gembok rahasia sosok model paling laris dan “most wanted” tersebut. Bahkan, para salesman dan salesgirl Toyota yang biasanya agresif menawarkan model baru sebelum diluncurkan, belum “bergerak” kendati mereka tahu, All-New Avanza diluncurkan tahun ini.

Ternyata tidak hanya di tanah air kehadiran All-New Avanza atau disebut saja Avanza 2012 ditunggu. Konsumen seperti di India, Thailand dan Malaysia juga menunggu. Ini bisa dilihat dari situs dan blog otomotif yang membicarakan jadwal kehadiran dan perkiraan sosok All-New Avanza.

Berbagai spekulasi, perkiraan dan kemungkinan muncul untuk menggambar sosok All-New Avanza. Dikatakan, kapasitas mesin, baik 1.5 liter dan 1.3 liter (paling laris di Indonesia) diperkirakan tidak akan mengalami perubahan. Disebutkan akan ditambahkan dengan teknologi VVT-i (saat ini mesin Avanza 1.3 dan 1.5 liter sudah menggunakan teknologi VVT-i).

Tema paling sensasi dari kemunculan All-New Avanza adalah perkiraan modelnya. Nah, karena Toyota juga memasarkan Avanza di India, bocoran di negeri ini lebih dahsyat. Karena itu fotonya banyak digunakan oleh media on-line lain.

Disebutkan, bocoran gambar diperoleh ketika All-New Avanza dalam tahap rendering. Melihat gambarnya, para pemerhati langsung saja menilai, MPV kompak 7-penumpang ini lebih moderen futuristik, dinamis dan mewah. Lampu utama depan dirancang dengan bentuk trapesium. Gril mirip dengan Toyota Etios.

Ketika KOMPAS membandingkan gambar rendering yang dipublikasikan oleh media otomotif India, memperlihatkan sosok All-New Avanza tidak berbeda jauh dengan sosok si kembar Daihatsu-Toyota, yang diluncurkan menjelang akhir 2009, yaitu Boon Luminas dan Passo Sette.

Hanya ada perubahan pada bentuk lampu utama depan, gril , bumper depan, lampu kombinasi belakang dan bentuk quarter window (kaca samping paling belakang yang tidak bisa dibuka).

Dimensi Boon Luminas-Passo-Sette dengan Avanza-Xenia yang sekarang juga tidak berbeda jauh. Dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut (unit dalam mm).

Boon Luminas-Passo Sette lebih lebar dan ceper! Perbedaan lain adalah sistem gerak. Boon Luminas dan Passo Sette, gerak roda depan, sedangkan Avanza -Xenia saat ini gerak roda belakang. Apakah Toyota dan Daihatsu beralih atau tetap mempertahankan konsep ini?

Avanza-Xenia Boon Luminas-Passo Sette
Panjang 4.120 4.120
Lebar 1.630 1.695
Tinggi 1.695 1.620
Jarak sumbu roda 2.655 2.750

Ada informasi menarik dari Toyota Asia Pasifik yang berpusat di Singapura, konon Toyota melalui produk barunya – juga MPV - akan berusaha merebut pasar yang selama ini diambil oleh Nissan Grand Livina (di bawah Innova). Apa mungkin dengan menambah line-up Avanza?

Sebagai tambahan, di India Toyota All-New Avanza sangat diharapkan untuk mengisi kekosongan antara Innova dengan Etios. Apalagi, Toyota berambisi memperbesar pangsa di negara tersebut, dengan pertumbuhan kedua tertinggi di Asia, setelah China.
  • Jumat, September 23, 2011
  • Administrator
Hadirnya era digital memang memudahkan segala aktifitas kita. Termasuk yang satu ini, yairu Sebuah Aplikasi / Software yang berguna bagi buah hati Anda yang sedang belajar Alqur,an. Aplikasi Iqro ini dibuat dengan menggunakan animasi (flash), sehingga sangat menarik untuk digunakan.

Untuk menggunakan Aplikasi ini, Anda tidak perlu menginstalnya di komputer.Jadi, Aplikasi ini sudah siap pakai.Nih.. Saya tampilkan sedikit screen shoot nya.

Untuk download aplikasi untuk belajar membaca Alqur'an ini, silahkan klik link di bawah ini.
  • Jumat, September 23, 2011
  • Administrator
Norton One Free Full Version - IT security major Symantec Corporation (NasdaqGS: SYMC - News), recently rolled out an enhanced personalized security service product named Norton One, which is expected to protect consumers across multiple devices.

The product is expected to provide the option of selecting a combination of solutions that work for them to provide total security for the connected household. End users will be able to access the service from the first half of 2012.

As per the data from the company’s market research department, United States consumers have an average of 4.5 devices in their household, which consists of desktop computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones and other devices. We believe all these devices will need comprehensive customized protection, which in turn will enhance the market for Norton One.

Norton OneThis product comes with unique features, and the end user needs just a single membership, to protect each connected device in the household, all co-coordinated from a single user interface. Apart from using the connected PCs, Macs, and mobile, new devices can be easily added or removed at any time with the same level of security. This apart, customers will benefit through personalized services, as well as the support service provided by the company.

Moreover, the product includes some enhancements that should help extend the Norton brand to the mobile devices security market. These would be the greater reliance on the device-free web-based services, management features and performance improvements. The enhancements will definitely help them cater to the mobile security market, thus increasing the scope for higher pricing of the product.

Apart from mobile security and enactments in its Norton range of products, the company is trying to improve its cloud infrastructure solutions through its partnership with VMware.

Under this partnership agreement, Symantec is leveraging VMware’s virtual desktop and integrating VMware View, VMware vShield, VMware vCloud Director 1.5 and VMware vSphere 5 with Symantec’s Endpoint Protection and the Altiris Client Management Suite to deliver a secure, manageable and cost-effective solution. Symantec will slowly develop a whole lot of products and solutions which will help it grow its customer base.

[via - yahoo.com]
Consolidating Graduate Student Loans
Best Online Student Consolidation Graduate Student Loans - Graduate students typically have special financial needs. You may have taken out scores of loans to finance your education over the years, which can include both undergraduate and graduate student loans.

And with the chance of deferment and grace periods expiring in close proximity to each other, you might be looking for a solution to help you manage your payments. Consolidate graduate school loans and you'll see that paying for your education is much easier than you thought it would be. Student Finance Domain can help you understand your options.

Now that you are facing the stress of dealing with the repayment of your student loans, you may want to opt for consolidation. Consolidating student loans can be tricky, and several factors need to be taken into consideration when making your decisions. But if you decide that the benefits of consolidation outweigh the drawbacks, you can find a way to make it work, whether you have federal or private loans.

There is a difference between consolidating federal and private loans. The most glaring difference is that, with a Federal Consolidation Loan, your interest rate is fixed in keeping with a federal formula, while private consolidation interest rates can be either fixed or variable. Variable means that the interest rate can increase at any moment. If you are consolidating both types of loans, you should make sure to keep them separate.

Repaying Your Student Loans

You may choose from three student loan repayment options to find the one that best fits your unique financial situation.
If you are interested in consolidating your graduate student loans, Goal Financial's Student Loan Consolidation Center can help. Here are just a few of the benefits they offer:
  • Additional interest rate reductions available of up to 1.5 percent for auto-debit and timely repayment.
  • Make one monthly student loan payment through one lender.
  • Retain many of the pre-existing benefits available with your initial student loan, including deferment and forbearance options, and loan forgiveness in the event of death or full disability (may not apply to Federal Perkins loan).
  • A trained staff provides the information you need to make an informed decision.
  • Consolidating your federal student loans costs you nothing and can save you money every month.
  • Deduct a portion of your consolidation loan interest on your federal income tax return, if you qualify. Visit the IRS Site for detailed information.



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