• Rabu, Februari 17, 2010
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Foto Pernikahan Yang Aneh, Unik dan EkstrimMenikah merupakan suatu momen yang akan menjadi bagian terpenting, bersejarah dan berkesan sepanjang hidup. Karena itu merancang pernikahan dan sekaligus bisa menjadi pusat perhatian, bukanlah hal yang mudah. Tapi empat pasangan asal Thailand sukses mendapatkan keduanya, Menikah dan menjadi pusat perhatian

Barangkali dalam rangka memaknai hari spesial inilah pasangan Nitiphong Jittahong dan Rattanapor Supha, merancang secara unik upacara hari pernikahan mereka, yang dijatuhkan pada hari valetine yang lalu.

Keduanya bergelantungan dengan menggunakan sling di sebuah tebing curam. Dalam kondisi tergantung itu mereka mengucapkan janji setia untuk hidup bersama hingga ajal memisahkan mereka.

Foto Pernikahan Yang Aneh, Unik dan Ekstrim
Foto Pernikahan Yang Aneh, Unik dan Ekstrim
Pasangan ini adalah satu dari empat pasangan asal Thailand yang ikut ambil bagian dalam acara tahunan di Prachinburi, Provinsi Thailand Timur.

Dengan menggunakan pakaian putih, keduanya tergantung di tebing curam dengan memegang bunga dan berfose di depan fotographer.

Sementara itu pasangan lain justru memilih bawah laut sebagai ajang upacara pernikahan. Parinyatit Sawasdee Kantarak dan Piyaratwadee memilih laut Andaman, di Trang, Thailand Selatan.

Foto Pernikahan Yang Aneh, Unik dan Ekstrim
Setelah mengucapkan janji setia, mereka saling berciuman, setelah sebelumnya keduanya melepas regulator tabung pernafasan mereka.

Jika Sawasdee dan Piyaratwadee memilih laut Andaman, pasangan Narongchon Chomsa dan Somyin Chomsa, memilih menikah di birunya laut perairan pantai Pak-Men dalam acara peringatan ulang tahun ke-14 upacara pernikahan di bawah air.

Sementara pasangan Thailand lain, Manop Wongkam dan Parida Ruksutnirundorn yang mengenakan pakaian pengatin tradisional Cina memilih Zoo Aquarium di Chiang Mai, Thailand utara, sebagai lokasi impian.
Foto Pernikahan Yang Aneh, Unik dan Ekstrim
Artikel sebelumnya Obat Diet Paling Manjur Untuk Orang Gemuk
  • Rabu, Februari 17, 2010
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Obat Diet Paling Manjur Untuk Orang GemukGemuk...? Waduh kalau badan sudah gemuk, semuanya jadi susah. Naik angkutan umum selalu di minta ongkos untuk dua orang...Naik ojek, belom nyampe ke pangkalan ojek ehh tukang ojeknya pada ngabur. Singkat kata akhirnya seorang wanita yang mengalami problem tersebut (sangat gemuk) datang ke dokter spesialis. Dia ingin menurunkan berat badannya.

"Dok, saya itu ingin diet. Berat badan saya sudah tidak normal lagi. Kira-kira obat diet apa yang harus saya minum?"

"Oh, itu gampang, Bu. Anda tinggal geleng-geleng saja, kok!"

"Geleng-geleng?" wanita itu keheranan.

"Ya, Anda tinggal geleng-geleng saat ditawari makanan," jawab dokter
  • Rabu, Februari 17, 2010
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Bubur Harissa, bukan hanya milik masyarakat timur tengah. Di Gresik Jawa Timur, seorang warga telah menjual bubur Harissa yang di yakini bisa menambah stamina kaum pria itu, lebih dari 25 tahun lamanya. Bahkan, cara memasaknya masih menggunakan alat-alat tradisional.

Di rumahnya, di Desa Klangonan Kecamatan Kebomas, Fauzi memasak bubur Harissa bersama 4 orang karyawannya. Fauzi, telah menggeluti usaha membuat bubur Harissa, lebih dari 25 tahun lamanya. Selama itu pula, usahanya bisa di bilang lancar.

Ide awal menggeluti usaha bubur Harissa, muncul saat Fauzi dan warga setempat kesulitan dana dalam memperbaiki jalan desa. Saat itu, Fauzi dan warga membuat bubur Harissa untuk memperoleh dana. Namun, pembuatan bubur Harissa, terus berlanjut hingga menjadi salah satu penopang ekonomi keluarganya.

Bahan utama bubur Harissa adalah daging kambing yang berusia 3 tahun lebih. Bisa juga menggunakan daging ayam kampung atau daging sapi, tergantung permintaan pelanggan. Daging kambing ini, di masak dalam tungku dan panci besar selama kurang lebih 5 jam.

Bahan-bahan lain yang tak kalah pentingnya adalah gandum, tepung beras dan tepung ketan, bawang putih, merica, jahe, cengkeh serta minyak samin.

Setelah daging kambing cukup matang, selanjutnya, gandum di tambahkan ke dalam panci serta di aduk hingga daging kambing terpisah dari tulangnya. Setelah itu, tepung serta berbagai bumbu lainnya di masukkan panci.

Proses membuat Harissa siap saji ini, membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih sepuluh jam untuk 2 kwintal bubur Harissa. Bahkan, jika pesanan meningkat, para pekerja ini harus menambah jam kerja siang dan malam. Rentang waktu yang panjang serta beratnya adonan bubur, mengharuskan pekerjaan ini di tangani kaum pria. Apalagi, kaum prialah yang selama ini banyak menikmati khasiat bubur asal timur tengah ini.

Dalam 1 bulan, pesanan bubur Harissa Fauzi bisa mencapai 1 ton dengan rata-rata pesanan berkisar antara 2 hingga 4 kwintal setiap 2 hari sekali. Harga perkilo bubur Harissa di jual dengan harga 18 ribu rupiah. Dengan kondisi ini, Fauzi mengaku memperoleh omset penjualan mencapai 18 juta rupiah, setiap bulannya.

Biasanya, peningkatan pesanan bubur Harissa terjadi pada saat maraknya pesta perkawinan. Karena bubur ini sering di jadikan sajian utama dalam pesta pernikahan, terutama di kalangan masyarakat arab yang ada di Gresik. Apalagi, manfaat bubur Harissa sendiri, bisa menambah stamina kaum pria, karena menggunakan bahan dasar penambah hormon.

Fauzi mengaku, tidak tahu menahu asal mula masuknya makanan bubur harisa ke Gresik. Fauzi sendiri memperoleh keterampilan memasaknya, secara turun temurun. “Ini keterampilan dari orang tua saya.” Ujarnya.

Salah satu keunian bubur Harissa milik bapak 4 anak ini adalah alat yang di gunakan dalam memasak, masih menggunakan alat tradisional, seperti tungku tanah liat, bahan bakar kayu pohon bakau serta alat adonan berupa sebilah bambu.

Di Gresik sendiri, selain Fauzi, sedikit sekali warga yang menekuni pembuatan Harissa, itupun dari kalangan warga arab dan hanya membuat bubur Harissa pada saat tertentu saja. (86)

  • Rabu, Februari 17, 2010
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Bagi kebanyakan orang, pelepah pisang merupakan barang yang tidak begitu banyak manfaatnya. Namun, bagi seorang pelukis asal Lamongan jawa timur, pelepah pisang justru bisa menjadi bahan baku utama dalam lukisannya.

Susono, begitulah nama seorang pelukis muda asal Desa Kemlagi Kecamatan Karanggeneng, Lamongan, yag setiap hari bekerja serabutan. Di sela-sela kesibukannya, Susono meluangkan waktu untuk menuangkan kreatifitasnya dalam melukis. Berbeda dengan kebanyakan lukisan yang tertuang dari goresan kanvas, Susono justru membuatnya dari bahan pelepah pisang yang banyak tumbuh di sekitar rumahnya.

Sejak kecil, Susono memang memiliki bakat melukis. Secara kreatif, Susono menuangkan lukisannya dalam sebuah papan kecil yang sudah di lapisi lembaran pelepah pisang. Sementara, pelepah pisang yang berbentuk serabut, di rangkai hingga membentuk gambar dengan mengikuti garis dan warna alami pelepah pisangnya.

Hasilnya, terbentuk gambar pemandangan, seperti rumah, gunung, pohon hingga membentuk kombinasi pemandangan yang indah.

Setelah lukisan terbentuk, proses selanjutnya adalah mempercantik warna dengan minyak pengkilat serta di keringkan di panas terik matahari.

Susono mengaku, inspirasi awal membuat lukisan ini adalah banyaknya pelepah pisang yang terbuang percuma. “Sampah pelepah pisang sangat mengganggu saya. Lalu saya coba merangkaikan satau demi satu hingga bisa membentuk lukisan”., ujarnya.

Kendala modal dan minimnya usaha pemasaran membuat Susono kesulitan menjual karyanya. Padahal lukisan pelepah pisang ini dia jual dengan harga relatif murah. Lukisan dengan ukuran 70 centimeter kali 40 centimeter misalnya, hanya di jual seharga 200 ribu rupiah.

Lukisan berbahan pelepah pisang tersebut mampu memunculkan kesan klasik dan alami, karena warna yang ada di dominasi oleh warna sephia dan coklat tua. Kesan klasik lebih kental saat lukisan ini mengedepankan tema pemandangan alam. (86)

  • Rabu, Februari 17, 2010
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German inventor Carl Benz (1844-1929) is one of the many individuals given credit for the creation of the first automobile. In 1885 he invented the motorized tricycle, which became the first "horseless carriage" to be driven by an internal combustion engine. Benz's contributions to automotive design also included the creation of such features as a carburetor and an electrical ignition system.

Carl Benz was a German engineer and inventor who was responsible for many contributions to the design of modern automobiles. He developed an internal combustion gasoline engine for his 1885 version of the "horseless carriage," which was initially a three-wheeled vehicle. Other innovations by Benz included a simple carburetor, an electrical ignition system, rack-and-pinion steering, and water cooling. For his development of the 1885 motorized tricycle, Benz is given credit by some for creating the first automobile, while others contend that the three-wheel design did not constitute a true modern car. Regardless of his right to the title of inventor of the automobile, Benz did leave his mark on the auto industry by pioneering one of the first marketable motorized vehicles and founding the automobile company that came to be known as Mercedes-Benz.

Benz was born in Karlsruhe, Germany, on November 25, 1844. His father was a railroad engineer who died of pneumonia when his son was two years old. The income that Benz's mother received after the death of her husband was small, and Benz was called upon to help support the family as soon as he was old enough. Even as a boy, Benz was fascinated with technology, and he was able to use his talents in this area to make extra money. His earliest jobs were fixing watches and clocks, and he later constructed a darkroom where he would develop pictures for tourists visiting the nearby Black Forest.

Benz's facility for technical matters was also displayed in school, where he worked as an assistant for a physics teacher. He continued his education at Karlsruhe Polytechnic and then went to work for an engine manufacturer. Benz had a very specific motive for working at the engine plant--he dreamed of creating a horseless carriage, and he wanted to learn as much as he could about engines. After gathering what knowledge he could there, in 1871 he moved on to a position with a wagon and pump company in Mannheim, Germany, where he gained more valuable experience. By 1872, he was ready to open his own engine shop. Just before starting his business, he married Berta Ringer.

Founded Successful Engine Companies

Benz was quite successful as a manufacturer, selling a large number of engines and winning the confidence of investors. With the financial backing of others, he founded the Mannheim Gas Engine Manufacturing Company, which he intended to use in part to develop his horseless carriage. Even though the venture quickly made a profit, Benz's investors did not want him to spend valuable resources on inventions. Benz unsuccessfully fought their decision and, after being in business for only three months, left the company. He quickly lined up new shareholders and founded a third business, Benz and Company, in October of 1883. The company was to sell stationary gas engines, but the new investors were also willing to support Benz's horseless carriage as long as it did not detract from the production of the primary product.

After two decades of planning his horseless carriage, Benz finally had the resources to make it a reality. In 1885, he debuted his automobile, a motorized tricycle that was revolutionary primarily for its use of a gasoline-powered internal combustion engine. Earlier in the century, self-propelled vehicles had been developed with steam engines, but the internal combustion engine marked an important breakthrough for automobiles. It provided a lighter, more compact, and more efficient means of powering a vehicle. It was the adoption of the internal combustion engine that made Benz's car a truly practical and appealing consumer product. For this reason, many consider Benz's 1885 motorized tricycle the first automobile.

Horseless Carriage Demonstrated in 1885

Another important feature of Benz's vehicle was an electrical ignition system that used a battery to start the engine. This system became the basic model for all later ignitions. The tricycle also incorporated a carburetor, rack-and-pinion steering, a water cooling system, and rear springs. Benz held a public demonstration in the fall of 1885 to promote his invention, although he claimed to have first driven it the previous spring. On the road near his workshop, Benz and his wife began a ride on the automobile in front of a gathering of witnesses. After apparently forgetting to steer the tricycle, however, Benz quickly ran into a brick wall. Both passengers emerged from this early auto accident without injuries. The mishap did not dampen enthusiasm for Benz's creation--a positive review of the vehicle appeared the following summer in the publication Neue Badische Landeszeitung.

Benz continued to improve his design with the introduction of a second gear, a larger, 3-horsepower engine, and improved brakes and springs. The first sale of a Benz automobile occurred in 1887, after it had been displayed at the Paris Exhibition earlier in the year. At the Munich Imperial Exhibition in 1888, Benz was awarded a gold medal for his invention. This recognition brought in many orders for the automobile, which at that time was a novelty that was only affordable by the wealthy. Still, business was so good that the Benz Company grew to 50 workers by 1889 and soon moved to a larger factory where a new four-wheeled model began production in 1890.

Benz had given into the idea of a four-wheeled automobile reluctantly and only after much lobbying by others in his company who sought a more modern design. Unlike other automobile inventors, Benz did not feel that a car needed to physically resemble the traditional four-wheeled carriage. After the model of 1890, he was even more opposed to changes in his design. His opinions were so strong that after a major update of the Benz automobile in 1905, the manufacturer continued to drive his older models of the car.

Encountered Competition from Daimler Cars

One major challenger of Benz's claim to be the inventor of the automobile was a fellow German, Gottlieb Daimler. Daimler had created a better internal combustion engine and patented it five months before Benz's engine. The first vehicle in which he demonstrated his, however, was a bicycle, resulting in the first motorcycle. Those supporting Benz argued that the two-wheeled vehicle resembled the modern automobile less than the Benz tricycle. Regardless, Daimler also went on to become a successful producer of four-wheeled automobiles and became one of Benz's strongest competitors in both French and German markets. To try to gain a greater share of the French market, Daimler gave his car a French-sounding name--Mercedes--at the suggestion of a business partner. Despite their professional interest in each other, Benz and Daimler never met.

The Daimler company continued to do business after its founder died in 1900. Both it and the Benz company suffered a downturn during the economic depression after World War I. To strengthen their chances of survival, the companies merged to form Mercedes-Benz in 1926. By that time, Benz was no longer closely involved with the operation of the business, although he continued to receive recognition for his accomplishments as an automotive pioneer. His cars were collected by museums, and he was honored with a special procession of hundreds of automobiles from the city of Heidelberg to his home in Ladenburg in 1929. On that occasion, a number of prominent people made speeches in his honor and proclaimed him the inventor of the automobile. Two days later, on April 4, 1929, Benz died at his home in Ladenburg. Although later automotive innovators such as Henry Ford turned the car into a more successful product for the general public, Benz is remembered for his inventive genius and his groundbreaking work to create and market the first commercial automobile.
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  • Rabu, Februari 17, 2010
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A dream
Throughout his life, Soichiro Honda never forgot the day he became a small figure who ran hopelessly after the first motor car he ever saw.

Long before it actually reached Yamahigashi, a small village in Japan's Shizuoka prefecture (now called Tenryu-shi), its own extraordinary noise heralded its imminent arrival. The small boy who heard the rumble was at first astonished, then excited, and finally enthralled, by it.

Later he would describe that moment as one of those life-changing experiences. He was seeing his first car, and as he began to tremble the closer it drew, and the dust cloud of its passage engulfed him, something inside him was triggered off.

"I turned and chase after that car for all I was worth," he said later. "I could not understand how it could move under its own power. And when it had driven past me, without even thinking why I found myself chasing it down the road, as hard as I could run."

He had no chance of catching it, and the experience became a symbol for his life: always he was chasing something that was just beyond his reach. By the time the road was empty and the car long departed, the young boy continued to stand there breathing in its gasoline stench. When he came upon a drop of its precious lifeblood spilled on the dusty track, he dropped to his knees and sniffed the oily stain like a man in a desert smelling water.


Soichiro Honda was born in Yamahigashi on November 17 1906. His father, Gihei Honda, was the local blacksmith but could turn his hands to most things, including dentistry when the need arose. His mother, Mika, was a weaver.
Honda's subsequent spirit of adventure and determination to explore the development of new technology had its roots in his childhood. The family was not wealthy, but Gihei Honda instilled into his children the ethic of hard work, and a love of mechanical things. Soichiro soon learned how to whet the blades of farm machinery, and how to make his own toys. A nearby rice mill was powered by a small engine, and the noise fascinated him. He would demand daily that his grandfather took him to watch it in action. At school he got the nickname 'black nose weasel', which is less derogatory in Japanese than it sounds in English, because his face was always dirty from helping his father in the forge.

Soichiro Honda's childhood days are full of examples of technical ingenuity, including using a bicycle pedal rubber to forge his family's seal on school reports that were less than promising.

The bicycles had another use: those that his father sold from the shop he subsequently opened helped Honda to hone his engineering skills. As he grew, the dream of the car on the country road acted like a magnetic force, drawing him ever closer towards things mechanical. In 1917 a pilot called Art Smith flew into the Wachiyama military airfield to demonstrate his biplane's aerobatic capabilities. Honda raided the family's petty cash box, 'borrowed' one of his father's bicycles and rode the 20 kilometers to a place he had never before visited. When he got there he soon realized that the price of admission, let alone a flight, was far beyond his meagre means, but after climbing a tree he watched the plane in motion, and that was enough. When Gihei Honda learned what his son had done to get to the airfield, he was more impressed with his initiative, determination and resilience than he was angry with him for taking the money and the bike.

Adult years

By 1922 Honda was working in an auto shop in Tokyo called Art Shokai. Initially he had done menial tasks, but more and more he became a trusted mechanic. He worked on the racing car Art Daimler, then the famous machine born from the marriage of a Curtiss aircraft engine and an American Mitchell chassis. The need to make parts for this monster taught him things that would be invaluable later in life.

When Shinichi Sakibahara raced the car for the first time at Tsurumi, and won the Chairman's Trophy, the young man riding alongside as his mechanic was Soichiro Honda. He was 17 years old.

As customers brought in Mercedes, Lincolns and Daimlers for attention, Honda's experience grew in proportion with his ambition. Four years after that first race he started his own Art Shokai auto shop in Hamamatsu . It opened its doors for business on the day that, thousands of miles away on Daytona Beach , Frank Lockhart crashed to his death trying to break the land speed record. April 25, 1928. The American track star and the Japanese kid lived in different worlds but had much in common besides their willingness to take a risk. Lockhart's mechanical genius had set new standards for record car design, and in the years that followed Soichiro Honda's own technological ideas would similarly revolutionize Japan 's motorcycle and automobile industries.

Yet Honda himself never sought dominance in his homeland. At a time when nationalism was at its peak, he always saw the bigger picture. "I knew that if I could succeed in the world market," he said, "then automatically it would follow that we led in the Japanese market."

Employees in the Art Shokai shop soon came to understand that sloppy workmanship and poor performance would not be tolerated, but while his tool-hurling antics did not always encourage loyalty, those who stayed recognized his total determination to succeed and to establish an engineering business second to none. And Honda was sufficiently aware of his own managerial shortcomings.

Honda Motor Company

The history of the Honda Motor Company began with the vision of one man - Soichiro Honda. His dream was personal mobility for everyone.

Honda Motor Co. Ltd. was established in September 1948, initially to build small capacity motorcycles to get Japanese workers mobile. While Honda focused his considerable energies on the engineering side, using all the experience he had painstakingly accumulated, including time out taken to study piston ring design at Hamamatsu tech and subsequent experimentation with a small engine-powered bicycle, he left the running of the company in the hands of Takeo Fujisawa. His most trusted friend and urged him to look to the long-term. They complemented one another perfectly.

When the first fruits of their partnership hit the streets it was a 98cc two-stroke motorcycle appropriately named 'Dream' . Several times Honda Motor Co. sailed close to the rocks in the years that followed, for both Honda and Fujisawa were gamblers who knew that expansion would only be possible with risk. Growth at one stage was unprecedented, until the purchase of state-or-the-art machinery in the early Fifties led them perilously close to bankruptcy. But Honda was never faint-hearted.

'Challenging the Limits' is a phrase commonly heard across the length and breadth of Honda. It was made popular by its founder, Soichiro Honda, who knew that his fledgling company had to out-think and out-perform its competitors every step of the way in order to survive. After all, he started out at a time when his country was devastated by war.

To make these things, Honda also changed marketing methods, and manufacturing. High quality comes from a creative combination of design for use and design for manufacturing, all aimed to hit a specific market need. A product that can be made in easy steps can be made well, and a product that does its job reliably pleases its users.

The step-through Honda Cub was the first international success for the Honda Motor Company, and it was a model for all the successes that were to follow. Recognize a need, create a unique way to satisfy it, incorporate unusual performance, quality and reliability, then build from an expanding reputation into yet other areas. This pattern defined the Honda Way. A need was recognized, and after trial and error, the trouble-free, easy-to-operate 50cc Cub was created.

Marketing targeted the general public with good, clean two-wheeled fun, and introduced millions to motorcycling. When the market was saturated, Honda had the vision to see that a similarly trouble-free kind of sports motorcycle could become equally popular, building on the proven reputation of the Cub. As that success expanded into many countries, Honda expanded its line, always offering customers a step up to more sophisticated models.

Honda opened his first dealership in Los Angeles with six employees in 1959. By 1963, Honda was the top-selling brand of motorcycles in the United States. In 1961 the company produced 100000 motorcycles in a month, and in 1968 Honda has sold its 'millionth' bike. Till the end of 80's Honda has held a 60% position on the world market of motorcycles, and in 1990 the yearly output of bikes has reaches 3 million items. Now the dream of his childhood was becoming real. Soon thereafter came auto production, and the rest of the story is familiar recent history.

'Racing is in our blood'

Later his reaction was to embark on the Tourist Trophy race program that would eventually make Honda's name as an international motorcycle manufacturer. It took him five years, but by 1959 Hondas were racing on the Isle of Man. Two years later they were the talk of the TT.

Soichiro Honda was the prototypical F1 engineer. He was always probing new limits of technology, always seeking better and greater feedback from the men who rode or drove the machines that bore his name. He preached the gospel that ambition was no sin, and that success was the reward for hard work and investment. Honda was the first major manufacturer to understand that motorsport was the perfect crucible in which to develop not just superior machines, but superior engineers, and today every global player in the F1 game rotates its engineers through its motorsport programs.

Honda's lifestyle and last days

Yet there was more than even that to Honda. He and his wife Sachi both held private pilot's licences, he was still skiing, hang-gliding and ballooning at 77, and he was a highly accomplished artist. And he was a man of rare understanding. He had never wanted to follow his father in the smithy or the bicycle shop, and he and Fujisawa made a pact never to force their own sons to join the company. Soichiro Honda died in Tokyo's Juntendo Hospital on August 5 1991, aged 84 years and eight months.

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  • Rabu, Februari 17, 2010
  • Administrator
Henry Ford was an inventor, philanthropist and successful American businessman. Ford was the founder of the still popular Ford Motor Company which had its first success with the Model T Ford car that was released in 1908. Henry Ford revolutionized the way cars were designed and built, introducing assembly line factories for producing mass amounts of vehicles that led to lower prices for consumers and an explosion in car ownership throughout the United States.

Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863 in Dearborn, Michigan, United States, in what was then known as Springwells Township. Ford's parents were Irish immigrants and the family lived on a farm, with Henry Ford being the eldest of six children. The family had a comfortable upbringing on the farm with a decent income, but even as a young person, Ford believed there was too much work and not enough income living from the land.

"It was life on the farm that drove me into devising ways and means to better transportation. I was born on July 30, 1863, on a farm at Dearborn, Michigan, and my earliest recollection is that, considering the results, there was too much work on the place." Henry Ford Quote

Ford began his career as an apprentice machinist in 1879, then returned to his family farm in 1882 before starting work with the Westinghouse company to service their steam engines. Ford then went to work at the Edison Illuminating Company where he became chief engineer in 1893.

Henry Ford had always enjoyed mechanical things and was always trying to improve or create more useful machinery. In 1893 he created his first gasoline driven buggy or Quadricycle that was completely self propelled. He then started the Detroit Automobile Company with several other investors to improve on his design, but the company went bankrupt soon after. Ford then started the Henry Ford Company, which he also left, before eventually starting the Ford Motor Company in 1903.

The Ford Motor Company released the successful Model T car in 1908. Generally cars were built one at a time and were only accessible to the very wealthy, but Ford continued to improve the way the cars were manufactured. In 1913 the cars were being mass produced by one of the first moving assembly lines. In 1918, half of the total amount of cars in the United States were Model T's, 15 million cars were sold, and production of the Model T was finally stopped in 1927.

By 1926, flagging sales of the Model T finally convinced Henry to make a new model. Henry pursued the project with a great deal of technical expertise in design of the engine, chassis, and other mechanical necessities, while leaving the body design to his son. Edsel also managed to prevail over his father's initial objections in the inclusion of a sliding-shift transmission.
The result was the successful Ford Model A, introduced in December 1927 and produced through 1931, with a total output of more than 4 million. Subsequently, the Ford company adopted an annual model change system similar to that recently pioneered by its competitor General Motors (and still in use by automakers today). Not until the 1930s did Ford overcome his objection to finance companies, and the Ford-owned Universal Credit Corporation became a major car-financing operation.

Ford also had interests in politics but was never successful as a politician, and unsuccessfully ran for Senate as a Democrat. He also had strong views on labor and how the workforce should be treated. He paid his workers more money for less working days and made the 5 day 40 hour working week a normal part of working life.

Henry Ford created the Ford Foundation in 1936 to promote human welfare through research grants, educational grants and development.

In 1947, at the age 83 Henry Ford died of a cerebral hemorrhage and was buried in the Ford Cemetery in Detroit.

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Kampung batu megalit, mungkin tidak banyak yang tahu akan kampung ini. Padahal di kampung kampung batu megalit tersimpan puluhan peninggakan manusia zaman purba di Desa Sekendal, Kecamatan Pajar Bulan, Kabupaten Lahat, Sumatra Selatan. Hal ini mungkin dikarenakan masih kurangnya perhatian dari pemerintah setempat.

Pengamatan di lokasi, Selasa, selain akses jalan sepajang 300 meter masih berlumpur dan sempit, juga dipenuhi semak belukar sehingga menyulitkan bila ada warga yang akan mengunjungi lokasi bersejarah itu.

Kendati terdapat puluhan situs dan megalit, baru tiga yang dilakukan pemagaran, dan itu pun masih sederhana hanya mengunakan bambu.

Sebagian besar batu megalit memiliki nilai sejarah cukup tinggi itu sudah ditumbuhi lumut dan ada juga yang sudah rusak.

"Memang sejak ditemukan 10 tahun lalu hingga saat ini belum pernah Pemkab Lahat melakukan peninjauan atau membangun fasilitas pendukung agar berbagai benda bersejarah ini dapat tetap terawat dengan baik," kata juru kunci kampung megalit, Ahlan.

Luas lahan yang terdapat batu megalit sekitar empat hektare dengan jumlah batu peninggalan sekitar 36 buah dan dua arca. "Sayangnya hingga saat ini belum ada perhatian Pemda Lahat dan Pemprov Sumsel," kata dia pula.

Bahkan Pemkab Lahat, sejak batu ini ditemukan, belum pernah datang dan melihatnya, meskipun sudah puluhan kali diajukan usulan pembangunan fasilitas pendukung tapi tidak pernah dikabulkan, kata dia pula.

Menurut dia, saat ini ukiran yang ada di beberapa arca dan batu lumpang serta lesung sudah mulai memudar dan menipis. Kondisi itu karena adanya kikisan air hujan dan lumut.

"Setiap kali kami membersihkan dengan menyiram dan menyikatnya, kalau tidak kerusakan akan semakin berat lagi. Setiap dua kali seminggu kami selalu menyikati dan membersihkan arca ini dari tanah dan lumut. Maklum hujan dan panas tidak ada yang menahannya. jadi lumut cepat menempel," ujar dia lagi.

Ahlan menyatakan, sudah kerap kali mengajukan proposal untuk pembangunan pagar dan rumah pondokan lokasi arca, serta batu lainnya agar ukiran arca tersebut benar-benar terjaga tidak terkena hujan serta ditempeli lumut.

Wakil Bupati Lahat, Sukadi Duadji, mengharapkan ke depan agar dianggarkan dana untuk meningkatkan pembangunan di berbagai daerah yang memiliki peninggalan sejarah termasuk situs, arca dan kuburan batu seperti di daerahnya itu.
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