Download Tweetable 1.2.1 WordPress plugin - The latest tweets can also be displayed on the blog sidebar and a Tweetmeme widget can be inserted after posts.
You can even use it to share a Twitter account among a blog's author's if you wish.
- Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
Here are some key features of "Tweetable":
- Automatically tweet your blog posts when they are published. Optionally add Google Analytics campaign tags to the shortened URLs. You also have your pick of URL shorteners.
- Tweet from within WordPress. The plugin adds a dedicated Twitter page where you can browse your friends timeline and post updates. An optional quick-tweet Dashboard widget is available as well.
- Display your latest tweets in your blog sidebar with a customizable widget. Includes support to display follower count.
- Set the minimum user level to access the Twitter page in the WordPress backend.
- Automatically add a full-size or compact Tweetmeme widget to your posts.
- Track tweets based on keywords of your choice via the Twitter API.
- WordPress 2.7 or higher
What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]
- Made a minor change to the widget-handling code to replace a couple of deprecated functions with their new counterparts.