Ocimnet - Below is Best Counter Strike CS cheats and tricks you can get in CS Counter Strike Game. The cheat include secret code for ammo and various great effects.
Best Counter Strike CS cheats and tricks
Below is Best Counter Strike CS cheats and tricks you can get in CS Counter Strike Game. The cheat include secret code for ammo and various great effects.
Key binding
To activate codes easier, bind them to keys. For example, type bind v “impulse 101″ at the console window to bind the “$16,000″ code to the “V” key.
Temporary invincibility
Type bind “setinfo model ../oranget” during game play. Keep pressing the key that was bound to that command to become invincible.
Temporary SAS appearance as terrorist
Type bind “setinfo model sas” (for terrorist only). Your whole body will change into UK SAS suit. Keep pressing the key that was bound to that command.
Get 90 bullets for Usp.45 Pistol
Buy a MAC-10 and all its bullets, then buy a Usp.45 Pistol.
Get 120 bullets for Glock Pistol
Buy a MP5 and all its bullets, then buy a Glock Pistol. Note: If you already have it, you do not have to buy another one.
Get 98 bullets for Scout
Buy a Scout, shoot one bullet and reload. Then, buy the bullets again.
Get 120 bullets for Steyr TMP
Buy a MP5 and all its bullets, then buy a TMP.
Get 59 bullets for Usp.45 pistol
Buy a Usp pistol, shoot one bullet and reload. Buy the bullets again.
Get 89 bullets for H&K Sniper Rifle
Buy a scout and all the bullets. Shoot once, reload, and buy the bullets again. Then, buy a H&K sniper rifle.
Sniping Ak47
Aim the crosshair in the middle of the enemy and shoot the bullets two by two. When the crosshair becomes large, run and reload. The target should be dead after you shoot the first two bullets.
Splatter bones and body tissue
Type bind backspace “impulse 102″ at the console window, then press repeatedly press [Backspace] key and bones, tissue, and blood will scatter all over the place.
Best Counter Strike CS cheats and tricks
Below is Best Counter Strike CS cheats and tricks you can get in CS Counter Strike Game. The cheat include secret code for ammo and various great effects.
Password What it does
orang k-400
dark kriss s.v.d
sv_full health 123 Full health
33up643 Max ammo
cs_maxplayer Have more players in the game
noclip make you move anywhere faster
[via - gudangcheat]
Senin, Mei 02, 2011
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