Dota 6.72 AI Plus - Dota-Allstars 6.72 AI Plus Map Download News and Update. DotA 6.72 has just come with new hero and DotA 6.72 AI hopefully will coming not so long after the map.
And as usual, the DotA-Blog will keep giving you the update about Dota 6.72 AI news in this post ;)
PBMN said
Well, 6.72 is out... by the first look GREAT changes gameplay-wise... but AI wise... half the heroes get broken... some of them become useless. Loads of work on porting and then fixing the AI heroes... and you can bet that the changes port will be a breeze compared to fixing the AI.So.. the plan is-> 6.71b AI release first and then 6.72(x). But i`m not happy with the amount of work needed for 6.72 AI release. It wont happen soon too.
Also the new hero: Rubick... as i`m reading his skills, i think that i can make him an Invoker v2.0. In my mind some scenarios emmerge: you release a stun projectile to Rubick... he steals the stun and releases a stun to u just before he gets stunned... so u both are stunned at the same time... just he`ll get out of stun before you :) neat!
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